Tuesday, September 2, 2008


hello everyone! ecuador´s great, I like it alot! the socond or third day in town I went up into the mountains to a town called guisagweña (not sure how to spell it) with my host mom Piedad, coordinator, Aida and Kristin along with another family, whose kids go to my school. there was a big festival up in the mountains with people and music and fireworks and food and clothing, we went to a church that was packed full of people and candles. we walked around and watched a gaint firework show with spinning sparks and music. the girls were very nice and explained everything to us twice. the younger one pointed to everything and names it "se llama zapatos" and "se llama chocolate". it was a lot of fun.
a few days later kristin got her hosty family, who she loves. and the day after that we got mesured for our uniforms. the girl´s uniforms are all white dresses with white socks and black shoes. I think all the girls look like nurses and all the boys like cub scouts (brown uniforms)
Aida works at my school and took me to two classes to introduce me. then some girls fromt he class invited me to go to a pizzaria with them and then play basketball. they are all SO nice.
I play basketball with them every evening in the weekdays.

I like the town a lot because everyone knows eachother.

On saturday the whole afs group from Piñas, plus Piedad, Aida and an afs counselor, went to Cuenca. An old, colonial town with beautiful buildings and cold weather, since it´s high up above sea level. we had to get up at 2 in the morning to catch a bus there, but it was difinetly worth it. we went to market, where the quecuan people sold coats and bags and scarfs and goods. we all baught Piedad a flower because Aida told us it was "la dia de la Rosa", being santa rosa and piedad´s first name is Rosa.

They have AMAZING pineapples, oranges and bananas here.

yesterday we started school. the other students there are already halfway through the year, so we´ll have a break in the middle of our exchange year. the first day, we all put on our uniforms and lined up for the Ecuadorian Pledge Of Alligence (they sing it every Monday at the start of the day). the the School´s director made anouncements andcalled us up to introduce ourselves. All seven of us stood infront of the whole school and said our names, where we were from and whatever else we wanted to say. my spanish isn´t great, so I used pretty bad grammar.
I actually like school very much, though its probably because I don´t really have to do too much bacause I can´t understand much of what the theachers say. all the students were very welcoming and yesterday my friends taught me all the names for Fruts. papaya, limon, piña, etc.

Everyone calls me "Sarita" here :)

I think I am catching onto spanish pretty quickly, atleast I know a lot more than I did the first day. I´m exited to get to the point where I can speak AND understand everything. right not I don´t really understand too much. but I´ve been studying!

My host mother is very nice. at night we always watch a show called "una novela" on television. we talk and I take my diccionary and look up words I don´t understand. she´s so sweet. in a week I think I understood that we are going to Loja to Meet with her Family that lives there.

well I should get going now..
¡hasta luego!


Unknown said...

Oh Sarah reading this just makes me smile! I'm so happy that everything is great down there and everyone has been nice. The mountains and all of that sound really beautiful. I'm sure the language will come and everything will be much easier then. Today was the first day of school and I missed you terribly. Lizzie, Cathlin, and I talked about the old days of E-hall.

I'm so happy to hear that everything is going well

nana said...

Oh Sarah everyting sounds so wonderful!!! It is such a treat to read your blogs and I will so look forward to them! And Sarita....what a perfect name for you..."our beautiful, curly headed Sarita:-)" I keep our atlas open and look for the towns you mention.

You sound so happy. We love you and thank you for sharing these new discoveries and experiences with us!!
Xxxoo Nana and Papa too

Anonymous said...

oh my lanta, this sounds wonderful, i am incredibly jealous. so, i'm trying to get a job so i can start saving for senior year,but nobody hires 15 year olds, dumb. i just LOVE reading your blog, today I was talking to my mom and was like "Wow, i hope sarah wrote in her blog" and you did, how lovely.
I miss you very much!

Erin Lalinsky said...

Sarita, I am so glad you are having a good time so far. I miss you so during lunch. I should be doing my homewrok now so I can't write to much more.
